There are not direct correlations between MBTI and Enneagram since they measure different parts of our personalities—namely, WHAT we do versus WHY we do it. That being said, some preference pairings from the MBTI could have a higher prevalence in certain Enneagram Types. With this in mind, let's explore Enneagram Type Seven together and see how the MBTI preferences correlate.
Review of Type Seven
Type Sevens are the darlings of the Enneagram. Everyone wants to be a Seven. They exude fun, spontaneity, optimism, and exuberance. Of course, there's more to the story with Sevens. They project this level of optimism partly because they are running from the fear that has been hounding them since birth—that they are not supported, are totally alone in their emotional pain, and could easily become trapped in this pain if they let it catch them. So they run. They run from the pain of the emotions that swirl underneath the surface by finding every stimulating, fun, spontaneous thing they can and putting on blinders that block their view of what painful thing needs to be addressed.
If we look at the motivations of a Seven, we can see that any action they take (what) is all based on the fear of having no support (especially emotional support), a belief that they are on their own, and a desire to have fun and stimulating experiences in order to distract them from the emotional and psychological pain they are carrying around with them.
Possible MBTI Correlations:
Each Preference Pair describes the median range preference of the Pair and does not address the nuance of each individual. May people who actually prefer one side will be able to competently use skills presented by the other side. The descriptions below are done in broad strokes are at not meant to pigeon hole people into ways of thinking or behaving.
Extroversion/Introversion Preference
MBTI practitioners describe this directing and receiving energy as that of a balloon either inflating with interaction with the outside/inside world or deflating. Extroverted preference people’s bubble inflates with contact with the outside world—people, experiences, places, stimulation—and deflates with too much time with their inside world—reflecting, time alone, journaling, thinking—and those with an Introverted preference deflate with contact with the outside world and inflate with time reflecting on the inside world.
Applying to Type Seven:
Type Sevens may be more likely to have an Extroversion Preference.
Type Sevens are constantly running from the emotional depths that they feel could take them over. Therefore they will look outside themselves for stimulation, distraction, and fun to keep those demons at bay. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that they gain energy from running to the outside world to distract themselves, but that they can more readily escape their emotional pain if they are outside themselves doing so. For this reason, I lean toward Type Seven's having an Extroverted Preference. Those Sevens with an Introverted Preference (because I’m sure there are some out there), would still likely prefer time alone and time to reflect, but it’s likely they still employ escapist maneuvers that help them avoid awareness of their inner anxiety—reading, pondering problems unrelated to themselves, etc..
Sensing/Intuition Preference
This Preference Pair explains how people prefer take in information from the outside world. The Sensing Preference types will take in information from their five senses and experience the world as very tangible, tactile, and concrete, and will focus on what is presently possible or possible in the past. Those with an Intuition Preference, on the other hand, will take in information as abstract, ethereal, imaginative, and inferred, and will focus on what is new and possible in the future.
Applying to Type Seven:
Type Sevens may be more likely to have an Intuition Preference.
Given that the Seven is driven to avoid any potential of being trapped in emotional pain and unpleasant experiences, they may be more likely to gravitate toward the Intuition Preference and its world of possibilities, new correlations, new ideas, and the future as opposed to the tangible, concreted, proven, present/past of the Sensing Preference. Seven’s certainly have the capacity to view the world tangibly and concretely, but they could be more motivated to look to the future with all its new ideas that will keep them stimulated and free from feeling trapped.
Thinking/Feeling Preference
This Preference Pair explains how people make decisions- do they make their decisions based on logic, numbers, objective criteria (Thinking Preference) or do they make decisions considering their values, collective harmony, and empathy for others (Feeling).
Applying to Type Seven:
Type Sevens may be more likely to prefer Feeling but Thinking is not out of the question.
As members of the Head Triad (which all feel they need outside support to survive this unsafe world), Sevens are particularly motivated to keep people, groups, and systems close at hand to feel supported. They seem to put particular emphasis on collecting groups of people who will support them if needed and as a result want those around them as happy and as pain-free as they wish to be. With that in mind, Sevens could be more likely to have a Feeling Preference as this natural inclination to consider harmony with others supports their ability to garner and keep support. Many very strong arguments could be made for the Thinking Preference as well, and many Sevens could be able to both think objectively and keep those around them in harmony.
Judging/Perceiving Preference
This Preference Pair explains how people interact with the outside world. Those with a Judging Preference prefer closure, step by step progress, planning, organization, and control. Those with Perceiving preference like options, adaptability, flexibility, spontaneity, and openness to new information.
Applying to Type Seven:
Type Sevens may be more likely to prefer Perceiving over Judging.
Type Sevens may be more likely to prefer the Perceiving Preference because keeping options open, adapting to newness and spontaneity, and being flexible to the situation allows them to avoid closure, which could cause them to become trapped in a situation and miss out on something that could have ultimately satisfied them and distracted them from emotional pain. For this reason, it is not uncommon for Sevens to avoid making concrete plans, setting their schedules too far in advance, or locking in on an idea right away and may make them more likely to prefer Perceiving over Judging.
Possible Preference Types for Type Sevens:
Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.
Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want to live a life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened.
Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another.
Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people, and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work and make work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people.
What do you think? If you love MBTI and the Enneagram, I’d love to hear your experience using both!
For questions or help with finding your Type, contact Kimberly at